Price comparison
In a time of rising energy prices, natural gas remains a cost-effective home heating fuel.
It's economical
The chart below shows the total heating season cost for a typical Hudson Valley home during the last two heating seasons.
Assumes 60 million BTU total. Source for prices: Central Hudson and NYSERDA.
It's proven.
With natural gas, you don't need to wonder if your heating system will do the job on the coldest New York nights. Gas furnaces are a proven technology, generating comfortable heat in any weather at greater than 95 percent efficiency.
In addition, you don't need to worry about scheduling deliveries since gas is delivered on-demand via a secure underground distribution system.
Getting started
Is gas available at your address?
If you're interested in learning more, first you need to determine if natural gas service is available at your property.
Step one — Take a look at the map below showing where Central Hudson has natural gas lines. If you live in one of these cities or towns, and are near a gas main, natural gas may be available.
Step two — If you do live in the natural gas service territory, use our online natural gas finder tool to see if gas is available at your address. From there, you can contact us to learn more.
Alternatively — Reach out directly. We will let you know if gas is available at your location and can provide additional information.
General information about our natural gas program can be found here.
If you'd like to learn more about our incentives for heat pumps, which also provide cost-effective heating, visit this page.