Small businesses, many on the verge of reopening, can reduce their operating costs by converting to LED lighting and, for those in food service, improving the efficiency of their refrigeration equipment. Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. has launched a new, limited time commercial lighting and refrigeration program offering to fund these conversions, up to $10,000. In most cases, the entire installation can be provided at no cost to the business.
“This program is intended to help small businesses at a critical time, as they restart their operations after an extended period of closure due to protective measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Charles A. Freni, President and C.E.O. of Central Hudson. “The upgrades will reduce energy use, lower costs and help to protect the environment; and for most of our small business customers the conversions can be performed at no charge to them. Like our Back to Business Funding program, which lowers the cost of working capital loans, we are offering support for small businesses as our economy reopens.”
Central Hudson is partnering with Lime Energy to conduct the conversions. The launch of this program offering has allowed Lime Energy to recall several of its workers, and local electrical contractors will be utilized to perform the work.
Freni explained that high efficiency LED lights use up to 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs and last up to 15 times longer. They also provide greater savings and better light quality than fluorescent lamps. On average, small business conversions to LED lighting saves nearly $4,000 per year in energy costs.
Refrigeration upgrades include retrofitting existing units with high-efficiency components, such as fans, motors, condensers and anti-condensation controls. These upgrades can extend the life of refrigeration equipment and allow for more efficient operation, saving energy and money.
Lifetime reductions in emissions for similar sized projects are, on average, the equivalent of energy used by 23 homes for one year or removing 44 cars from the road.
Small businesses with under 120 kilowatt average annual demand are eligible, and projects meeting a cost ceiling of 33 cents per kilowatt-hour saved qualify for up to $10,000 in funding. Central Hudson’s regular incentives, which pay for up to 70 percent of the installation, are available for the balance of projects exceeding $10,000.
For more information, visit www.CentralHudsonLighting.com, call (855) 236-4832 or email CenHudSMBLight@lime-energy.com.
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Central Hudson has launched a new, limited time commercial LED lighting and refrigeration program offering to fund conversions for small businesses, up to $10,000. In most cases, the entire installation can be provided at no cost to the business.