Renewable energy is here and growing in the Mid-Hudson Valley, and customers of Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. can learn more about subscribing for renewable energy from private, third-party providers through the utility’s new portal for community distributed generation, the Clean Energy Marketplace. “Our new portal is a one-stop shop to help our customers make informed decisions regarding their energy options for locally produced renewable energy,” said Charles A. Freni, President and C.E.O. of Central Hudson.
To provide its customers with an easy way to explore local community distributed energy options, Central Hudson has launched the Clean Energy Marketplace in partnership with EnergySage, an online solar comparison-shopping platform supported by the U.S. Department of Energy.
What is Community Distributed Generation?
Electricity from local renewable generators such as solar farms and small hydro-electric stations, which are built, owned and operated by private developers, is made available to Mid-Hudson Valley communities by subscription. This is called Community Distributed Generation, or CDG, and provides expanded energy options for customers.
Residents and businesses can subscribe to a share of the electricity without the need to install solar panels or other equipment on their property. “CDG is a viable solution for renters or residents who may not have the space, proper conditions or who simply do not want to purchase or lease solar or other equipment themselves,” said Freni. “Also, larger-scale CDG installations are more cost-effective and provide economies of scale in producing renewable energy.”
Through this program, local renewable energy projects generate clean electricity for the grid. Residents and businesses may subscribe by agreeing to purchase a portion of the electricity produced. Subscribers receive electricity credits on their Central Hudson bill to offset their purchases, with no change in service.
Clean Energy Marketplace
Central Hudson’s Clean Energy Marketplace allows customers to compare offerings available by zip code within the utility service area by participating renewable energy companies located in the region. The portal displays a summary and links to details for each of the suppliers, including the type of renewable generation provided, costs, terms and conditions and subscriber enrollment information. Most offer savings on customers’ energy bills. “Using the Clean Energy Marketplace can help you find a subscription that best fits your needs,” said Freni.
“Programs like this advance New York State’s clean energy goals by connecting our customers directly to local renewable energy resources,” said Freni. “As support for clean energy initiatives are included in New York State utility bills, Central Hudson provides information, incentives and opportunities so customers may participate and benefit.”
To visit the Clean Energy Marketplace and to learn more about local renewable energy options, go to https://CleanEnergyMarket.cenhud.com. To learn more about Central Hudson’s Powering the Path to a Cleaner Future initiatives, visit www.CentralHudson.com/My-Energy/Our-Energy-Future/Powering-The-Path
Central Hudson customers can learn more about subscribing for renewable energy through the Clean Energy Marketplace, the utility’s new portal for community distributed generation. The portal is a one-stop shop to help customers make informed decisions regarding their options for locally produced renewable energy.