The future of transportation is electric, and Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation is facilitating this transition by assisting developers with the installation of electric vehicle charging stations and by adding electric cars and trucks to its fleet.
“National Drive Electric Week, held this year from Sept. 26 through Oct. 4, offers an opportunity to recognize the benefits of electric vehicles,” said Charles A. Freni, President and C.E.O. of Central Hudson. “When it comes to producing electricity, New York State is among the cleanest in the country, as generation contributes only 17% of total statewide emissions, while emissions from cars and trucks contribute nearly 40%. Transitioning to electric transportation benefits the environment and it is cost-effective.” He explained that electric cars and trucks produce 60% to 85% fewer emissions than conventional vehicles and cost 50% to 70% less to operate than using gasoline and diesel fuels.
To support the development of public charging stations, Central Hudson will provide incentives for utility upgrades and site development to enable the installation of Level 2 chargers and DC Fast Chargers, which recharge electric vehicles faster than typical household plugs. “The installation of commercial chargers often needs utility and site development work, typically paid for by the installer, to accommodate the electricity requirements. Under this program, Central Hudson will fund most or all of this work, reducing the upfront cost for installers and encouraging investment in electric vehicle charging stations,” said Freni. The funding is intended to support the installation of more than 3,200 Level 2 chargers and 69 high-speed fast chargers throughout the region and is open to municipal, county, non-profit and private entities. Information about this program is available at www.CentralHudson.com/My-Energy/Electric-Vehicles/EV-make-ready-program. In addition to these incentives, Central Hudson will also be offering Fleet Assessment services; and a pilot program will also be launched for recharging medium and heavy-duty fleet vehicles.
He further explained that Central Hudson plans to expand its own use of electric vehicles as its cars and trucks are replaced. “We are committing 10% or more of our annual vehicle replacement budget on fully electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles through 2025,” he said. “These include line trucks, pickup trucks, SUVs and mobile equipment.” He said that depending upon the pace of technological advances in heavy duty vehicle electrification and charging infrastructure, the utility will plan to increase electric vehicle purchases to 50% or more of the annual vehicle replacement budget by 2030. Central Hudson’s goal is to electricfy10% of its fleet by 2025 and 50% by 2030. To prepare, the utility recently installed 60 Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations and one high speed fast charger at its five Mid-Hudson Valley offices.
“We are fully supportive of the transition to electric transportation and have been active in promoting the adoption of electric vehicles,” said Freni. Examples include participation in ride and drive events, online resources and hosting Electric Vehicle Summits for municipalities and fleet owners. Central Hudson has developed a special Time of Use electric rate to help improve the cost-effectiveness of vehicle charging and implemented an incentive program for high-speed commercial fast charges, which can recharge electric vehicles in as little as 30 minutes.
“Electric vehicles have come a long way, many offering 200 to 300 miles of range or more, and there is a growing selection of all-wheel drive and truck options,” said Freni. “Charging infrastructure is also expanding, for example New York State recently announced a new fast charging hub locating in the Town of Lagrange, and there are many other charging stations located throughout the region. We are excited to be a part of this movement toward clean, economical transportation.”
To learn more about electric vehicles, visit www.CentralHudson.com/My-Energy/Electric-Vehicles; for a nationwide map of electric vehicle charging stations, go to www.NYSERDA.ny.gov/All-Programs/Programs/Drive-Clean-Rebate/Charging-Options/Electric-Vehicle-Station-Locator#/find/nearest; and for more information on National Drive Electric Week, visit https://DriveElectricWeek.org.
Central Hudson is introducing electric vehicles into its fleet, with a goal is to electricfy10% by 2025 and 50% by 2030. To prepare, the utility recently installed 60 Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations and one high speed fast charger at its five Mid-Hudson Valley offices.