Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. is working with the City of Newburgh to coordinate repairs to the natural gas system in a portion of the City of Newburgh, caused by a water leak in a city water main. The incident occurred on Tuesday evening, Jan. 21, affecting 82 homes and buildings along Palantine Ave., Kennedy Place, Van Cleft Ave. and Dupont Ave. Central Hudson worked with city repair crews overnight to repair a water main leak, and is continuing efforts today to identify other potential sources as water is removed from the natural gas lines. The incident did not cause a natural gas leak, and there is no hazard.
This morning, Central Hudson is beginning the tedious process of restoring natural gas service to individual homes and businesses on Van Cleft Ave. Utility workers require access to each home and building to inspect interior piping and safely relight natural gas heaters and appliances. In some cases, gas meters may be replaced. Residents on Van Cleft Ave. are asked to remain at home or to make arrangements to have a responsible adult present to allow entry, as restoring gas service requires these inspections and relights. Central Hudson representatives carry identification and will show it upon request. Natural gas service will be restored to the other affected homes and buildings once the water leaks are addressed and gas lines are cleared.
“We appreciate the patience of our customers as we work to restore natural gas service, and thank the City of Newburgh for their assistance as we worked through the night to address this incident,” said Paul. E. Haering, Senior Vice President of Engineering and Operations. He said that Central Hudson worked with the City of Newburgh and the American Red Cross to provide an overnight warming center for affected residents at the Newburgh Armory Larkin Center in Newburgh.
For more information, visit www.CentralHudson.com.
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